Numbers can be divided into even numbers (2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, . . . 46, 48) and odd numbers (1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13, . . . 47, 49).
So, there are 24 even numbers and 25 odd numbers. Considering this criterion, the 6 numbers extracted may appear in the following sequence in which the first number is the even number and the second number is the odd number.
0-6 (no even numbers and six odd numbers)
1-5 (1 even number, 5 odd numbers)
2-4 (2 even numbers, 4 odd numbers)
3-3 (3 even numbers, 3 odd numbers)
4-2 (4 even numbers, 2 odd numbers)
5-1 (5 even numbers, 1odd number)
6-0 (6 even numbers, no odd numbers)
Look at the graph:
Why playing combinations with low extraction probability?
You are right, all combinations have a chance of occurrence in the draw but the 0-6 or 6-0 combinations should be left to others.
Personally I play 2-4, 3-3, 4-2.
On the horizontal there are alternatives of combination of even numbers with odd numbers.
Beside each even-odd combination there is a column indicating the number of occurrences of that combination (it is displayed on top of the column).