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In order to study the statistics, you have to read and understand the ”MANUAL”. Having studied the statistics, you may proceed to PLAY!.

A € 5 subscription - fee must be paid so that you may play. By paying this fee you will get 10 (ten) updates of the archive and statistics (for 10 draws).

Having made the payment, you move on to processing the variants. You have to select the desired conditions and process the variants. You will get the final variants in a .csv file which will be downloaded on your computer.

To save the trouble of marking the variants by hand (on the printed lottery tickets), from the Printing menu one moves on to printing the lottery tickets. This will be done in two steps:

  1. Having a .csv file, by using the Printing menu one gets a .pdf file;

  2. The .pdf file is printed preferably using Adobe Reader.

Prior to the first printing of a .pdf file obtained from the Printing menu, it is recommended to select in the properties of the printer you are using, a special format of paper sized 160 mm long by 104 mm wide. Always select this paper size when printing the file.

Take the printed lottery tickets to the Lotto agency and play!